October 26-27, 2019
Where Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
Keynote Speaker Doug DuBois, D'Angelo Lovell Williams
Featured Speakers Claire Beckett, Alex Gencarelli, Rosalyn Gerstein, Amy Giese, Jonathan Gitelson, Rita Lombardi, Janelle Lynch, Pamela Pecchio, Sarah Pollman, Janet Pritchard, Betsy Schneider, John Willis
Each photographer carries with them the photographers who have gone before - those who were our mentors and educators, and those we never met but who taught us nonetheless. In many ways, these are the first important steps towards building support and community for ourselves.
The 2019 SPE Northeast Chapter Conference will focus on photography's rich tradition of mentorship and legacy, and the ways in which we as educators continue that tradition in our classrooms. We are honored to have the photographers Doug DuBois and D'Angelo Lovell Williams giving a joint Keynote Presentation on Saturday night around the themes of our conference!
We're excited to announce the artists included in this year's SPE Northeast Juried Exhibition. The exhibition was juried by our keynote speaker D'Angelo Lovell Williams and will be held at RISD's Red Eye Gallery from October 21st to October 27th. Please join us at the opening on Saturday, October 26th from 7-9pm.
Artists: Faith Couch, Gwendolyn Anne Davies, Anna Grevenitis, Keavy Handley-Byrne, Maxwell Harvey-Sampson, Lali Khalid, Adrian Martinez Chavez, Alyssa Minahan, Paolo Morales, Linda Moses, Nadiya Nacorda, Forrest Simmons, Denis Sivack, Aaron Turner, Matt Williams, Sara J. Winston, Leah Zhang, Jiawei Zhao
Dialogue and critique are important to the SPE mission.
Please join the conversation.