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Past SPE Annual Conferences

Executive Committee of the Board of Directors

January 2024 - January 2025

Chair: Scott Hilton
Vice Chair: 
Margaret LeJeune
Marivi Ortiz
Arthur Fields & Leah Gose

January 2023 - January 2024

Chair: Scott Hilton
Vice Chair: 
Michael Borowski
Marivi Ortiz
Jordanne Renner

January 2022 - January 2023

Chair: Scott Hilton
Vice Chair:
Lauren Greenwald
Micah Cash
Jordanne Renner

January 2021 - January 2022

Chair: Scott Hilton
Vice Chair:
Lauren Greenwald
Micah Cash
Ariel Shanberg

January 2020 - January 2021

Chair: Liz Allen (August 2020) Lauren Greenwald
Vice Chair:
Lauren Greenwald (August 2020) Kelli Connell
Rebecca Nolan
Ariel Shanberg

January 2019 - January 2020

Chair: Liz Allen
Vice Chair:
Lauren Greenwald
Rebecca Nolan
Ariel Shanberg

Executive Director: James Wyman (May 2019)
Chair: Liz Allen
Vice Chair: Anne Massoni
Secretary: Rebecca Nolan
Treasurer: Ariel Shanberg

January 2018 - January 2019

Executive Director: 
James Wyman
Claude Baillargeon
Vice Chair: 
Anne Massoni
Rebecca Nolan
Ariel Shanberg

March 2017 - 2018

Executive Director: James Wyman
Claude Baillargeon
Vice Chair: Anne Massoni
Rebecca Nolan
Bill Gaskins/Ariel Shanberg

March 2016 - 2017

Executive Director: James Wyman
Jeff Curto
Vice Chair: Claude Baillargeon
Robin Germany
Bill Gaskins

March 2015-2016

Executive Director: 
James Wyman
Jeff Curto
Vice Chair: 
Anne Massoni 
Robin Germany
Lupita Murillo Tinnen

March 2014-2015

Executive Director: Virginia Morrison
Chair: Michael Marshall
Vice Chair: Jeff Curto 
Secretary: Robin Germany
Treasurer: Lupita Murillo Tinnen

March 2013-2014

Executive Director: Virginia Morrison
Chair: Michael Marshall 
Vice Chair: Jeff Curto 
Secretary: Nate Larson 
Treasurer: Nancy Stuart

March 2012-2013

Executive Director: Virginia Morrison
Chair: Tom Fischer 
Vice Chair: Michael Marshall
Secretary: Nate Larson 
Treasurer: Nancy Stuart

March 2011-2012

Executive Director: Virginia Morrison
Chair: Tom Fischer
Vice Chair: Michael Marshall 
Secretary: Nate Larson 
Treasurer: Nancy Stuart

March 2010-2011

Executive Director: Virginia Morrison
Chair: Tom Fischer 
Vice Chair: Michael Marshall
Secretary: Joann Brennan 
Treasurer: Nancy Stuart

March 2009-2010

Executive Director: Virginia Morrison
Chair: Tom Fischer
Vice Chair: Richard Gray 
Secretary: Joann Brennan
Treasurer: Nancy Stuart

March 2008-2009

Executive Director: Virginia Morrison
Chair: Richard Gray
Vice Chair: Tom Fischer
Secretary: Joann Brennan 
Treasurer: Nancy Stuart

March 2007-2008

Executive Director: Virginia Morrison
Chair: Richard Gray
Vice Chair: Tom Fischer
Secretary: Cass Fey
Treasurer: Therese Mulligan

March 2006-2007

Executive Director: Jennifer Pearson Yamashiro
Chair: Terri Warpinski
Vice Chair: Richard Gray 
Secretary: Cass Fey
Treasurer: Therese Mulligan

March 2005-2006

Executive Director: Jennifer Pearson Yamashiro
Chair: Terri Warpinski
Vice Chair: David Taylor
Secretary: Cass Fey
Treasurer: Therese Mulligan

March 2004-2005

Executive Director: Jennifer Pearson Yamashiro
Chair: Terri Warpinski 
Vice Chair: David Taylor
Secretary: Valerie Mendoza / Richard Gray 
Treasurer: Therese Mulligan

March 2003-2004

Executive Director: Jennifer Pearson Yamashiro
Chair: Terri Warpinski
Vice Chair: David Taylor
Secretary: Angela Kelly
Treasurer: Therese Mulligan

March 2002-2003

Executive Director: Jennifer Pearson Yamashiro
Chair: Carrie Peterson
Vice Chair: Mark Klett
Secretary: Angela Kelly 
Treasurer: Therese Mulligan

March 2001-2002

Executive Director: Jennifer Pearson Yamashiro
Chair: Carrie Peterson 
Vice Chair: Mark Klett
Secretary: Angela Kelly
Treasurer: Willie Williams

March 2000-2001

Executive Director: Heather Eaton
Chair: Gary Kolb
Vice Chair: Carol Flax
Secretary: Angela Kelly
Treasurer: Willie Williams

March 1999-2000

Executive Director: Jim Murphy
Chair: Gary Kolb
Vice Chair: Willie Williams
Secretary: Maggie Taylor
Treasurer: Carrie Peterson

March 1998-1999

Executive Director: Jim Murphy
Chair: Wendel White 
Vice Chair: Gary Kolb
Secretary: Maggie Taylor 
Treasurer: Carrie Peterson

March 1997-1998

Executive Director: Jim Murphy
Chair: Wendel White 
Vice Chair: Gary Kolb
Secretary: Maggie Taylor 
Treasurer: Alida Fish

March 1996-1997

Executive Director: Lee Hutchins
Chair: Wendel White 
Vice Chair: Susan Kae Grant
Secretary: Gary Kolb
Treasurer: Linda Foard Roberts

March 1995-1996

Executive Director: Lee Hutchins
Chair: Deborah Willis
Vice Chair: Margaret Moulton
Secretary: Susan Kae Grant
Treasurer: Linda Foard

March 1994-1995

Executive Director: Lee Hutchins
Chair: Deborah Willis
Vice Chair: Margaret Moulton
Secretary: Linda Foard
Treasurer: Susan Kae Grant

September 1993 - March 1994

Executive Director: Lee Hutchins
Chair: Rod Slemmons
Vice Chair: Dennis Carpenter
Secretary: Linda Foard
Treasurer: Susan Kae Grant

November 1991 - September 1993

Executive Director: Leslee Broersma and Janet Pritchard, 1991-1992 (interim directors)
Executive Director: Lee Hutchins
Chair: Rod Slemmons
Vice Chair: Deborah WIllis
Secretary: Ken White
Treasurer: Lynne Brown

March 1990 - November 1991

Executive Director: Judith Thorpe
Chair: Rod Slemmons
Vice Chair: Deborah WIllis
Secretary: Ken White
Treasurer: Sant Subagh K. Khalsa

November 1988 - March 1990

Executive Director: Judith Thorpe
Chair: Cheryl Younger
Vice Chair: Deborah WIllis
Secretary: Ken White
Treasurer: Rod Slemmons

March 1988 - November 1988

Executive Director: Judith Thorpe
Chair: Cheryl Younger
Vice Chair: Lynn McLanahan-Herbert
Secretary: Jay Phyfer
Treasurer: Dennis Carpenter

March 1987 - March 1988

Executive Director: Judith Thorpe
Chair: Cheryl Younger
Vice Chair: Lynn McLanahan-Herbert
Secretary: Stan Trecker
Treasurer: Dennis Carpenter

March 1985 - March 1987

Executive Director: Judith Thorpe
Chair: Helmmo Kindermann
Vice Chair: Patty Carroll
Secretary: Andy Grundberg
Treasurer: Cheryl Younger

November 1984 - March 1985

Chair: Martha Strawn
Vice Chair: Patty Carroll
Secretary: Kathleen McCarty Gauss
Treasurer: Helmmo Kindermann

November 1983 - November 1984

Chair: Martha Strawn
Vice Chair: Patty Carroll
Secretary: Andy Grundberg
Treasurer: Helmmo Kindermann

March 1983 - November 1983

Chair: Martha Strawn
Vice Chair: Patty Carroll
Secretary: Kathleen McCarthy-Gauss
Treasurer: Helmmo Kindermann

March 1982 - March 1983

Chair: Martha Strawn
Vice Chair: Helmmo Kindermann
Secretary: Ellen Land-Weber
Treasurer: Kathleen McCarthy-Gauss

March 1981 - March 1982

Chair: William Parker/Martha Strawn
Vice Chair: Martha Strawn
Secretary: Ellen Land-Weber
Treasurer: Kathleen McCarthy-Gauss

April 1979 - March 1981

Chair: Michael Simon
Vice Chair: William Parker
Secretary: Richard Stevens
Treasurer: Ellen Land-Weber

March 1977 - April 1979

Chair: James Alinder
Vice Chair: Dru Shipman
Secretary: Anne Tucker
Treasurer: Richard Stevens

March 1975 - March 1977

Chair: Peter C. Bunnell
Vice Chair: James Alinder
Secretary: Richard Stevens
Treasurer: Wayne Lazorik

March 1974 - March 1975

Chair: Peter C. Bunnell
Vice Chair: Fred R. Parker
Secretary: James Alinder
Treasurer: Wayne Lazorik

March 1970 - March 1973

Chair: Robert F. Heinecken
Vice Chair: Byron Shurtleff
Secretary: Peter C. Bunnell
Treasurer: Jerald C. Maddox

April 1968 - March 1970

Chair: Bernard Freemesser
Vice Chair: Robert F. Heinecken
Secretary: David Vestal
Treasurer: Jerald C. Maddox

1966 - April 1968

Chair: Robert Forth
Vice Chair: Henry Holmes Smith
Secretary: Art Sinsabaugh
Treasurer: Sol Mednick

November 1963 - April 1966

Chair: Nathan Lyons
Vice Chair: Henry Holmes Smith
Secretary: Robert Forth
Treasurer: Sol Mednick

Individuals who served as the first directors of SPE per the Articles of Incorporation:

Nathan Lyons
Minor White
Walter Civardi

Clarence White
Henry Holmes Smith

Art Sinsabaugh
Aaron Siskind

Individuals who signed the SPE's Articles of Incorporation, completed in May of 1964:

Nathan Lyons
Minor White

Walter Civardi
Clarence White

Sterling Weaver

*Individuals attending the inaugural Invitational Teaching Conference in November 1962 in Rochester, New York:

Charles A. Arnold, Jr.
Robert Forth
Jerome Liebling
C. B. Neblette
Art Sinsabaugh
Leslie Stroebel
Charles Werberig
Oscar Bailey
Bill Hanson
Nathan Lyons

Beaumont Newhall
Aaron Siskind
John Szarkowski
Clarence H. White, Jr.
Walter Civardi
Ralph Hattersley**
Sol Mednick
Walter Rosenblum
Henry Holmes Smith
Adrian L. Terlouw

Minor White
Neal Croom
Ken Josephson
William Millard
John H. Schulze
Ralph Steiner
Jerry N. Uelsmann
John Wood

* Information compiled by Nathan Lyons & Jennifer Pearson Yamashiro in October, 2010
** submitted a paper that was read at the conference

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