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March 06-08, 2025

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Past SPE Annual Conferences

Northeast Chapter Conference Overview

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REDEFINING INFLUENCE: Balancing relationships and evolving processes

When November 08-10, 2013
Where PhoPa Gallery, Portland, Maine
Keynote Speaker Lisa Kereszi
Featured Speakers Robert Calafiore, Rose DeSiano, Andrea Frank, Laura Heyman, Sarah Houghton Pfohl, Nick Kline, Rachel Loischild, Janelle Lynch, Bill McDowell, Colleen Mullins, Douglas Prince, Michael Teres
Honored Educator Barbara Bosworth

Our SPE Northeast Conference Redefining Influence took place at Maine College of Art in Portland Maine, November 8 & 9, 2013. We had about 90 attendees which made for a very intimate and engaged group. Lisa Kereszi closed the first afternoon with the keynote presentation of her work and influences. We finished the day with the MECA Photography Student show opening reception. We started Saturday with a screening of Stephen DiRado's film "Summer Spent," that he made while on a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2012. Once again lunch was provided to all attendees in the MCA cafeteria, allowing for continued conversation and socializing. The end of the day brought the presentation of the Honored Educator Award to Barbara Bosworth, long time educator from Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Some of her former students, Justin Kirchoff, Bruce Myren, Cheryle St. Onge, and Michelle Sheppard, give odes to her teaching and there were not many dry eyes... The Conference wrapped up with a reception at PhoPa Gallery, Maine Media Workshops, Portland gallery space, showing work by the Workshops many educators. (Summary by Bruce Myren) Conference Chair: Justin Kirchoff

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