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University of Oregon

Assistant Professor of Photography

Location: Eugene, OR
Posted: October 05, 2021
Application Deadline: December 13, 2021


University of Oregon
Joe Coleman
5232 University of Oregon, School of Art + Design
Eugene, OR, 97403

The Department of Art at the University of Oregon is seeking a faculty member whose creative research locates the medium of photography firmly within the context of contemporary art and interdisciplinarity, while finding its footing in a lens-based practice. With an aptitude in both digital technologies and traditional analog methods, the ideal candidate for this position will also have fluency in contemporary cultural and aesthetic theory, with an interest in course development in this area.

The successful candidate will have the ability to work effectively with faculty, staff, and students from a variety of diverse backgrounds and media areas. An MFA, or equivalent terminal degree is required. A minimum of three years college teaching experience beyond graduate school is preferred. The candidate should have a strong and active exhibition/publication record.

Application is in two parts: 1. (UO application portal, Job #527578), and 2. SlideRoom (Department of Art Application). You must complete both parts by the December 13, 2021 deadline.

To ensure consideration, please submit application materials by that date. The position will remain open until filled. No incomplete applications will be reviewed.

A complete application must include a cover letter outlining specific interests, qualifications, and contributions to diversity, equity and inclusion; a CV including a list of courses taught; a list of three professional references; an artist statement; a teaching philosophy; a portfolio of 20 digital work samples of the candidate's own work; a portfolio of 5 examples of student work. Application materials and portfolios should be submitted via SlideRoom. All image samples must include name, title, dimensions, media/materials, and date work was completed, and in the case of student work, include the course title. Video samples should be no longer than three minutes in length and be submitted via SlideRoom along with other work samples. (Excerpts of longer time-based pieces should be noted as such in the description. Candidates may also provide a link to Vimeo or other video sharing platforms in the description area for further consideration of samples excerpted from pieces longer than three minutes.) Reference letters and additional academic support materials (such as syllabi) may be requested at a later date.


Assistant Professor


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