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Toni Roberts is SPE's new Interim Executive Director!

Posted on 02/13/24 by in SPE

The Board of Directors is excited to announce that Toni Roberts is SPE's new Interim Executive Director.  


Anyone who has ever worked with Toni knows that she loves SPE. She is an exceptionally conscientious, generous, and organized person who has been instrumental in our organization's restructure. Since joining the team in April of 2021, Toni has readily and enthusiastically taken on new duties and projects, always with her characteristic good humor and aplomb.


Over the past couple of years, Toni's dedication and hard work has been invaluable, and it has been my pleasure and honor to work alongside her.  


As Interim Executive Director, Toni will take on a greater level of responsibility in determining priorities for SPE's programming, fundraising, and governance. She has the full confidence of the Board of Directors, and we are excited to help Toni implement our collective vision for the future of SPE. 


We look forward to celebrating her new role at the upcoming St. Louis conference, and hope you will join us as we gather as a community to learn, share, and support one another.


You'll be hearing more from Toni in future newsletters and on the SPE Blog. Please send her a message of support: 


Congratulations, Toni! SPE is truly blessed to have you.


Scott Hilton

Chair, Board of Directors, Society for Photographic Education

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