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Posted August 03, 2020 in Member News

We Stand in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter

The Society for Photographic Education (SPE) is an organization led by members elected through a nomination and voting process that is dedicated to teaching and learning the visual narrative. One of the goals of the Society is to engage in a continuing reappraisal of the nature and meaning of image-making, and with this, we must also continue to examine how we as an organization engage with and respond to the changing world around us.

We stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter (BLM) and recognize that the history of this professional association is as a predominately-white organization. We acknowledge that creating and maintaining community is hard work, and we face many challenges. Our membership is our most precious resource. We must work harder to provide our members with a safe, supportive, and respectful environment, and we need to continue acting in ways that will result in more diverse and inclusive membership and leadership. We recognize the legacy of exclusion and discrimination in the arts and our own organization — and acknowledge the academic legacy of exclusion — and we are committed to fostering an environment where open, direct communication allows us to lead national conversations about the history and power dynamics in the visual arts. Lastly, but no less important, SPE reaffirms our commitment to make us accountable in diversifying our executive leadership since actions speak louder than words.

The Society for Photographic Education

Board Members

Lauren Greenwald - Vice Chair
Rebecca Nolan - Secretary
Ariel Shanberg - Treasurer
Micah Cash
Kelli Connell
John Freyer
Andrew Hershberger
Scott Hilton
Deborah Hollis
Tomiko Jones
Mark Malloy
Millee Tibbs

Related Members: Micah CashKelli ConnellJohn FreyerLauren GreenwaldAndrew Hershberger, Ph.D.Scott HiltonDeborah HollisTomiko JonesMark MalloyRebecca NolanMillee Tibbs

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