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Past SPE Annual Conferences

Northeast Chapter Conference Schedule

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An opportunity for members of SPE's four caucus groups, the Multicultural, the Women's, the LGBTQ, and the Contingent Faculty to meet up locally

Saturday, November 11 - 2:35PM to 4:10PM
118 Elliot

These meetings are one of the recommended events available to conference attendees during Saturday's Break-Out session. This break-out event is can be held on-site at 118 Elliot, or meet anywhere attendees agree to as a group.

This is an opportunity for members of SPE's four caucus groups, the Multicultural, the Women's, the LGBTQ, and the Contingent Faculty, to meet up locally during our chapter conference. To learn more about SPE's national caucus groups please visit:

We have confirmed a local meeting of the Women's caucus, led by caucus co-chair Katharine Kreisher to be held during this break-out session. Please see or email Katharine for more details at

The Multicultural, LGBTQ, and Contingent Faculty caucuses do not have leadership confirmed to lead meetings our chapter conference this year, but we will be facilitating meetings among attendees who wish to meet and discuss the topics they address.


Katharine Kreisher
Katharine Kreisher

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