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Past SPE Annual Conferences

Northwest Chapter Conference Overview

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In Our Own Voices: Culture / Identity

When September 13-15, 2019
Where University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus, Fairbanks, Alaska
Keynote Speaker Lorenzo Triburgo, Brian Adams

Online registration is now closed for the conference. Please register in-person on the first day of the conference!

Explore the Last Frontier this fall at our 2019 Chapter Conference at the University of Alaska Fairbanks!

This three-day conference will provide one track for peer-reviewed international presenters, panelists, workshop artists and portfolio reviewers while also dedicating an entire additional track to Alaska-based photographers, indigenous artists and educational opportunities.

The theme, which is "In Our Own Voices: Culture / Identity,"- invites a wide array of photographers and educators to share their talent with our international guests and local artists.

Our conference will also feature a members-only show in the UAF Art Department Gallery in the Fine Arts Complex. 

Brian Adams, an Anchorage-based Inupiaq photographer, and Lorenzo Triburgo, Brooklyn-based photographer and performance artist, will serve as our keynote speakers for the event. Brian Adams documents the real Alaska through its people, their various cultures and their unique landscapes. Brian's photobooks, entitled I am Inuit and I am Alaskan provide wonderful context to the cultural diversity and traditions of the Last Frontier. Lorenzo Triburgo has helped with our previous SPE-NW conference at OSU in 2017 and is creating amazing work focusing on identity with their series of heroic "Transportraits" and their current performance work in front of Stonewall. 

Our two-day business expo will be open and free to the public, and will feature a wide variety of major corporate sponsors, local businesses and educational opportunities.

Affordable, on-campus housing will be provided by UAF Residence Life during the conference. A whole dorm has been set aside for #SPENW attendees and will cost $40/night in a shared double occupancy room, $60/night for a single occupancy room, and $80/night for a full room with double occupancy (twin beds). Shared rooms have two twin beds in them while single rooms only have a single twin bed. Single rooms are extremely limited, so we ask that our attendees opt to share a room with other conference attendees. Request specific roommates by emailing us at or put your name on the list for pairing. Nerland Hall will be filled with photographers, educators and artists, so it is bound to be a blast! Be sure to add "ON-SITE Lodging" to your schedule for each day you plan on lodging on-campus. Lodging must be added by 9am on 9/9/2019.

Any questions? Want to help sponsor our upcoming event? Please contact Conference Chair J. Jason Lazarus at!

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