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Northwest Chapter Conference Overview

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Illuminate & Provoke: SPE-NW 2017

When October 20-21, 2017
Where Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
Keynote Speaker Richard Misrach
Featured Speakers Nicole Jean Hill, Alexis Pike, Christopher Russell, Rafael Soldi
Honored Educator Garth Amundson

Online registration is only available until October 17th at 11:59PM. After this point, our staff and volunteers will be happy to assist you by registering in-person at Oregon State University. Please see our staff in Fairbanks Hall for further information.

SPENW welcomes photographers, artists, writers, educators, curators, historians, and professionals from other fields for the 2017 northwest regional conference: Illuminate and Provoke.

In his introductory paper for the anthology of Orion essays "The Future of Nature" the poet, Barry Lopez, situates writing as a social as well as an artistic act and suggests that, like birds, writers "represent a visible, coherent trajectory through a confusing wood. They illuminate and provoke."

During times of political and social confusion, photographers also illuminate and provoke, and this conference topic challenges photographers, writers, social scientists, and photo-historians to consider how your work is a social as well as an artistic act. Our keynote speaker, Richard Misrach, will speak to this theme in his talk on Friday night.

On Friday, the conference will begin at 1pm and will start with a choice of three-hour in-depth workshops followed by meetings of the LGBTQ caucus and high school and community college instructors. Then, meet fellow conference attendees at a reception with artists Nicole Jean Hill and Alexis Pike followed by our keynote speaker, Richard Misrach. On Saturday, choose from a selection of sixteen lectures and artist presentations on topics of photography relevant today. A conversation with Christopher Russell, and Rafael Soldi at the The Arts Center in Corvallis, moves our conference away from the university in the early evening. During the conference, we have seven photography exhibitions on view around the city and on Saturday evening, visit pop-up galleries with works by Natalie Krick, Joan Truckenbrod, and Mazdak Shadkam.

-- Julia Bradshaw, SPE-NW 2017 Conference Chair

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