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2025 SPE Annual Conference Schedule

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Embracing Open Educational Resources for Photography Education

Jessica Labatte, Amy Fleming, Larissa Garcia

Friday, March 07 - 10:00AM to 11:00AM
Tuscany 11

As higher education costs rise, so do expenses for course materials, leading many students to forego purchasing them. In photography, where textbooks can exceed $250, educators face challenges justifying these costs alongside equipment and printing fees. Open Educational Resources (OER) offer a solution, providing customizable, freely accessible materials that support diverse learning styles.

This presentation will describe our experience developing a grant-funded textbook for beginning photography. We'll discuss the process, how we incorporated open pedagogy, and strategies for integrating OER in photography education. Attendees will leave with resources and insights to reduce costs and enhance accessibility in their courses.


Jessica Labatte
Jessica Labatte
Larissa Garcia
Larissa Garcia

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