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Past SPE Annual Conferences

2025 SPE Annual Conference Schedule

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Curiosity Amongst the Ruins

Melinda Hurst Frye, Eirik Johnson, Laura Plageman

Friday, March 07 - 2:30PM to 4:00PM
Tuscany 8

Using author Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing's lyrical text from "The Mushroom at the End of the World" as a conversational seed, image makers Eirik Johnson, Melinda Hurst Frye, and Laura Plageman will discuss themes of regeneration, improvisation, and adaptation as it pertains to photographic artists pushing outside of the medium's traditional approach. Exploring the relationship between the natural world and human interaction, this discussion will focus on crafting and curating work that engages physical spaces, senses, context, and collaboration to tell stories about place, climate, and change.


Eirik Johnson
Eirik Johnson
Laura Plageman
Laura Plageman
Melinda Hurst Frye
Melinda Hurst Frye

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