Debe Arlook and Eric Kunsman
Thursday, March 06 - 2:00PM to 4:00PM
Tuscany 8
Debe and Eric will share the knowledge they have garnered from their personal portfolio review experiences and creating the book Both Sides of the Table: Photography Portfolio Reviews Do's and Don'ts, which is the first book of its kind to focus solely on the fine points of photography portfolio reviews. This comprehensive guide was created by seasoned professionals for other seasoned professionals and those new to the portfolio review process. Debe Arlook and Eric T. Kunsman interviewed forty-four contributors representing a diverse selection of reviewers, reviewees, and organizers, offering readers a full range of experiences from and for those on both sides of the table. Through a question-and-answer format, each contributor shares their advice and personal stories about online and in-person portfolio review events. Both Sides of the Table is a thorough resource for photographers, universities, photo institutions, portfolio-review organizations, and photography professionals.
If you would like to purchase the book please visit the following link and use the coupon code to receive a 20% Discount
Coupon Code: REVIEWS2025 and will take 20% off between now and 7/31/2025
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