Erika Gentry (www.erikagentry.com) is a Visual Artist and Educator. Her projects explore issues of identity and response to place through the use of photography and installation. A self proclaimed Francophile, she exhibits and travels internationally and 2014 was an artist in residence in France. She designs photography workshops in San Francisco and Provence. www.photographyinfrance.com.
Gentry specializes in digital imaging, photography, education, multi media arts and fine art printing in the Bay Area. An early advocate of the creative digital domain, she has been teaching and presenting electronic arts and photography nationwide since 1996 and has been a consultant to many of the industry's leading professional photographers as they converted from film to a digital work-flow. She has worked in freelance photography, magazine and book picture editing, art direction, advanced digital post-production, web design and as a curator and educator. She has taught one-on-one and group courses at corporations and colleges such as The Rochester Institute of Technology, The San Francisco Art Institute, Foothill College, City College of San Francisco and Rayko Photo Center. She is currently a fulltime faculty member and at the City College of San Francisco.