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Past SPE Annual Conferences

DM Witman

SPE Member since 2009
Member Chapter: South Central


My research and creative practice over the past few years has been deeply rooted within the realms of grief and mourning in regards to climate change and can be best described as "ecological grief." It is my hope that art such as this can serve as a conduit for a collective experience to develop a stronger sense of love and commitment to the places, the systems, the flora & fauna that inspire, nurture, and sustain us.

The grant money would be utilized to cover the costs of framing, allow me to attend one portfolio review event to market the work, and to assist in the shipping costs for initial exhibitions. Ultimately, I do envision this work joining my other projects in a monograph, which I will be seeking a publishing partner for.

Regarding memento mori, Geoffrey Batched noted, "…Such objects seek to remember a loved one, not as someone now dead, but as someone who was once alive, young and vital, with a future before them. In this kind of object, they will always have that future, a comforting thought, perhaps, for those who have been left behind."

#00105 Pontederia cordata

#00105 Pontederia cordata

#00112 Thalictrum pubescens

#00141 Verbena hastata

#00115 Sium suave

#00109 Carex crinita

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