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Past SPE Annual Conferences

Northeast Chapter ConferenceSpeakers

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Steven Rubin is a documentary photographer whose work highlights numerous critical and contemporary issues including rural poverty, health equity, refugee migration, immigrant detention, and the social and environmental impacts of energy development. He has photographed for national and international media publications, non-profits, and human rights organizations, and has published and exhibited across the United States and in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. A Fulbright-Nehru Scholar in India, he was also a Nieman Fellow at Harvard, an Alicia Patterson Journalism Fellow, an Open Society Institute Media Fellow, and a Fellow with the New York Foundation for the Arts. His current projects investigate the rise of wind energy in the Midwest, the precarious conditions of Burmese Chin refugees in India, and the upsurge of diabetes in Senegal. A graduate of Reed College in Portland, Oregon, he obtained his MFA in Visual Arts from the University of California, San Diego. He is currently an Associate Professor of Art at Pennsylvania State University, where he is an Embedded Researcher in the Arts and Design Research Incubator. His new book Shale Play: Poems and Photographs from the Fracking Fields with poet Julia Spicher Kasdorf, was just published in August 2018.

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