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Past SPE Annual Conferences

Northeast Chapter ConferenceSpeakers

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Andreas Rentsch

Andreas Rentsch

Saturday, October 06, 2018 @ 12:15pm, Lecture Center 102

Pecha Kucha Presentations

Andreas Rentsch teaches photography at Lycoming College. Having grown up on a prison compound where his father was the warden, Andreas' work is an ongoing exploration of the connection of fate, geography and politics in the direction of justice. His work has been exhibited worldwide and is in many museum collections. He is a recipient of two New York Foundation for the Arts fellowships and two grants from the Polaroid Corporation. The prestigious photography magazine, Aperture, published one of his portfolios. Other pieces have been published in numerous books and magazines, including "The Polaroid Project," a book published as part of six museum exhibitions of artist that have used the Polaroid film in their work.

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