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Reclaiming the Narrative / Representing Reality In a Post-Truth Era


Friday, September 28 - 4:00PM to 5:00PM

In order to explore 3 different strategies for making disruptive art that serves social justice, I will present several of my photo-related projects. One is about an intervention at a toxic Superfund site in the heart of Gainesville, FL. Another scrutinizes the art industry and the vulgar commodification of art by billionaires at art fairs. A third, "Ft Myers: An Alternative History", is a 100-ft. long, photo-based tile mural on a courthouse. The imagery characterizes the suppressed, chilling history of the fort's original function: to eradicate the Seminole People from Florida - round them up like cattle, kill them or force them into ships for deportation.


Barbara Jo Revelle
Barbara Jo Revelle

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