67 Doras Trl
Bakersville, NC 28705
Phone: (828) 765-2359 visit website
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Host Institution
Penland School of Crafts
67 Doras Trl, Bakersville, NC 28705
On their website, Penland strongly suggests that you use their directions to drive there as GPS will often send you to the wrong address. Directions can be found here.
Housing Info:
SPESE room rates are available - prices will be available soon. Room availability is limited. In order to ensure you have a room on campus. We will begin taking reservations in EARLY SEPTEMBER
Please see the Hotel link in sidebar for additional off-site accomodations.
Asheville Airport - Approximately a 1.5 hour trip from the Asheville Airport to Penland School. Shuttle and rental car service info available here.
Charlotte International Airport – Approximately 2 hours drive to Penland.
There is open parking available at Penland.
Visitor info from Penland's website (more info can be found here):
"Visitors are welcome to walk through the grounds. Of special interest is the Craft House, one of the largest log structures in North Carolina. Tours of the campus are available Wednesdays at 1:30pm while classes are in session. Reservations are necessary; please call (828) 765-6211 if you are interested in a tour.
You are also welcome to visit The Barns, which houses the studios of the Penland's resident artists: fulltime craftspeople who live and work at the school. Although the resident artists do not keep specific hours, you will usually find someone working at The Barns.
The area surrounding the school is home to over 100 professional craft artists, many of whom have been associated with Penland. There are six independent studios in the immediate vicinity which are generally open to the public. There are many others in the surrounding counties which may be visited by appointment. The gallery staff can provide you with maps and information about these artists."
Public Transit - Mitchell County Public Transit - 828-688-4715
Asheville Area Transportation Services - 828-450-1160; www.ashevilleareatransportationservices.com
Asheville Airport Shuttle - 828-231-1053;www.ashevilleairportshuttle.com
Pegasus Transportation - 828-281-4600; www.pegasusairport.net
GrandyCo Car Service - 828-273-3214; www.grandyco.com
Asheville Airport Connection - 828-216-9100; jrcanton@charter.net
Asheville Area Transportation Services - 828-450-1160; www.ashevilleareatransportationservices.com
Wally's Asheville Transportation - 828-707-5792
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