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A Collaborative Practice Course within a Photography Department: A Case Study

Colleen Fitzgerald

Friday, September 25 - 10:00AM to 10:50AM
Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Classroom B

The presentation will outline a course in collaborative practice. Students collaborated amongst themselves and with students from other institutions to create unique projects, experiment with various modes of communication, sustain dialogue through visual art, step out of their comfort zones, and organize and exhibit the work they produced. The presentation will display examples of weekly assignments and the resulting student work, illustrate the benefits of the course blog, and share student feedback. The goals of the presentation are to promote collaboration/experimental courses and for educators to learn from our experience. Fitzgerald will outline the inspiration for the course, the collaborators, the successes and challenges of the artistic and social experience, and strategies for improving similar processes in the future.

Colleen Fitzgerald website


Colleen Fitzgerld
Colleen Fitzgerld

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