October 01-03, 2020
Where Online Event
Over the past several months, we have watched the world shift in dramatic and significant ways - the call to action resonating louder than ever. What role does the image-maker and photographic educator play in shaping the new normal? How do we as photographic artists make work during an era of social injustice, global health insecurities, and political discord? Our resolve and determination as artists and educators are being put to the test like never before.
The Midwest SPE Chapter is proud to present the following speakers as part of the Fall Virtual Conference:
Thursday, October 1st 6:00PM CT Women's Environmental Workshare Collective - Round Table
Dana Fritz, Margaret LeJeune, Judy Natal, Marion Belanger, Martina Shenal, Terri Warpinski
Friday, October 2nd 3PM CT When Art Requires Activism - Imagemaker Presentation
Morgan Barrie
Friday, October 2nd 4PM CT Meddling with Space: Four Narratives - Dialogic Panel
Stefan Petranek, Amanda Musick, Hugo Teixeira, Jacinda Russell
Friday, October 2nd 5:30PM CT Keynote Address with Brent Lewis
Photo Editor, The New York Times and Co-Founder, Diversity Photo
Saturday, October 3rd 10AM CT Student Portfolio Reviews
15 minute student portfolio reviews (sign-up and scheduling TBA)
Saturday, October 3rd 11:30AM CT Midwest SPE Members Meeting
Chair: Robert Dickes, Vice-Chair: Heather Stratton, Treasurer: Joseph Mougel
Saturday, October 3rd 1PM CT Student Imagemaker Presentations - Dialogic
Brian Garbrecht, Lily Guillen, Martin Krafft
Saturday, October 3rd 2PM CT Innovative Teaching Panel - Teaching and Learning
Shreepad Joglekar, Elise Kirk
Saturday, October 3rd 3:15PM CT Worlds That Don't Require Escape: Archive and Image as Transportation
Ricky Weaver, Avery Williamson
Saturday, October 3rd 4:30PM CT New Paths - Imagemaker
Kalee Appleton
Saturday, October 3rd 5PM CT Closing Conversation
All are welcome to attend this open session for discussion, networking, and idea sharing
Register: https://www.spenational.org/conferences/2020-spe-virtual-chapter-conferences/register
Dialogue and critique are important to the SPE mission.
Please join the conversation.