RSVP via EventBrite link on registration receipt
Saturday, October 06 - 8:00AM to 2:00PM
B1 Classroom
IN this 6 hour adventure into video we will cover the basics to get you comfortable with the moving image. rnThe first half of the class focuses on video capture:rn An overview of the video language and termsrnToolsrnDiscuss and demonstrate the differences between video cameras and using a DSLR for video. rnDiscuss and demo quality sound recording techniquesrnLighting for VideornThe Second half of the class with focus on editing tools and possibilitiesrnChoosing a video editing programrnCreating a rough cutrnSound effects and audio sweetingrnExporting your final videornDVD creationrnrnThis is a very full 6 hours and a lot of fun, looking forward to having you in Video Boot Camprn
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