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Pa Bouje Ank: Don't Move Again

Laura Heyman

Saturday, November 09 - 9:55AM to 10:40AM

Pa Bouje Ank: Don't Move Again utilizes the historic model of the formal studio portrait to explore embedded hierarchies between photographers, subjects and viewers. The work is driven in part by longstanding questions around photographic representation, specifically those involving the voyeurism and objectification of so-called "third world" subjects by "first world" artists. Seeking to examine these questions in depth, I established an outdoor portrait studio in the Grand Rue neighborhood of Port-au-Prince, Haiti in late November 2009. Advertisements circulated news about a photography studio in the area, where members of the local community could schedule appointments to have their portraits made for free. Working in black and white with an 8x10 camera, I photographed one hundred and twenty people over a period of two weeks.

Three weeks later, the meaning of those images shifted with the earthquake. They became both records and memorials. That event also changed the focus of the project, which evolved to include various expanding populations in Port-au-Prince tied to future development and reconstruction. Issues of representation, visual sovereignty and cultural protocol, central to the project from the
beginning, became more complicated after the earthquake. When I first arrived in Port-au-Prince, I magined that positioning myself as a "studio photographer" would allow me to escape or subvert the complex tangle of hierarchies at play in Haiti, as well as in the exchange between photographer and subject. Neither has been the case. Instead, layers of meaning and intention continue to reveal themselves, expanding the project's framework and engaging the myriad contradictions and impossibilities present in the work's original question.


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