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Reciprocity Success

When Your Student Becomes Your Teacher

Saturday, October 26 - 11:30AM to 12:00PM
Chace Auditorium

I met Forrest Simmons in April 2015 at the International Center of Photography. He was a student in the CE Track, an academically structured, three-semester post- baccalaureate program. I was his third-term Seminar teacher. By class three, when the class did a mapping exercise, I sensed he was a student of intellectual, creative, spiritual, and emotional depth possessing great potential as an artist. What I didn't know then is that after a four year private mentorship, during which time Simmons also worked as my teaching and studio assistants, he would become my collaborator and teacher as I entered the 20th year of my professional practice. 

For this Imagemaker presentation, I will use my new body of work-in-progress, which represents a departure in my practice, alongside the work of my former student and teaching assistant, Forrest Simmons, who is currently a 2020 MFA candidate in Photography at Colombia College Chicago, where he was awarded a full scholarship.


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