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2025 Annual Conference


March 06-08, 2025

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Past SPE Annual Conferences

Midwest Chapter Conference Overview

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When November 01-04, 2018
Where School of Art & Visual Studies at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Keynote Speaker Genevieve Gaignard
Featured Speakers Roger Ballen, Gerald Slota
Honored Educator James Nakagawa

Early-Bird Deadline for registration is October 5th

Photography mediates the world. Artists continue to challenge and expand the possibilities of what can be expressed through this medium. How can we see what cannot be seen? How can we represent that which has not been represented? And how can we expand the ability of the lens-based arts to articulate what we care most about?  Medium is an opportunity to think about the role of the artist and how we might challenge and expand our ideas about what lens-based arts look like and what they can accomplish.

Join us in Lexington, Kentucky for a weekend full of image maker presentations, panel discussions, portfolio sharing, workshops and more!

Keynote, Honored and Invited Speakers include Genevieve Gaignard, Roger Ballen, Gerald Slota and James Nakagawa!

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