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Kate Palmer Albers

Kate Palmer Albers

Saturday, November 05, 2016 @ 2:30pm, Univ. of Arizona, Center for Creative Photography

Kate Palmer Albers Lecture

Kate Palmer Albers is an Associate Professor of Art History at the University of Arizona, where she teaches history and theory of photography, museum studies, and contemporary art at the graduate and undergraduate level. Previously, she worked in the photography departments at the Fogg Art Museum and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and taught at Massachusetts College of Art and Boston University, where she earned her PhD in Art History.

Her current research outside of this writing project focuses on the role of ephemerality throughout the history of photography and proposes that the range of ways and reasons photographs disappear offers a counterpoint to the predominant theoretical modes of understanding the medium.

Albers has an ongoing interest, as well, in the intersection of photography, geolocational technology, and landscape representations. In this area, she organized the exhibition Locating Landscape: New Strategies, New Technologies at the Sam Lee Gallery in Los Angeles (2009) and participated in the NEH Summer Institute Mapping and Art in the Americas at the Newberry Library in Chicago (2010).

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