1 AMK Ranch Road
Moran, Wyoming 83012
Phone: http://uwnps.org/ visit website
The University of Wyoming National Parks Service Research Center at AMK Ranch is a unique location. Owned and operated by the University but situated in the heart of Grand Teton National Park, the AMK is an historic site with bed spaces for around 60 people. On the eastern shore of Jackson Lake it offers unparalleled views of the Tetons along with access to Yellowstone. Operated as a scientific research facility throughout the summer, we will be taking over the entire facility for the weekend from Thursday night to Sunday morning.
This is a very rustic setting so if you stay on site please be prepared to rough it. Read up more about the site in the links above but know that you will be staying in a bunk bed in a communal room with as many as 10 other people. You will also have to bring your own bedding.
Due to the locations remoteness, all food will be provided for the duration of the conference from dinner Thursday night to breakfast Sunday.
AMK Ranch is accessible from Jackson Airport (45 minutes away).
Dialogue and critique are important to the SPE mission.
Please join the conversation.