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2025 Annual Conference


March 06-08, 2025

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Northeast Chapter Conference Hotel

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Visual Studies Workshop

Visual Studies Workshop 31 Prince Street
Rochester, New York 14607
Phone: 585-442-8676     visit website

Visual Studies Workshop (VSW) is committed to expanding the potential of the media arts, and their impact on contemporary culture, through innovative programs in education, exhibition, publication, research, practice, and community service. In 1969, photographer, writer, curator, and educator Nathan Lyons founded VSW as an artist-run, educational and support center for photography and other media arts. We are an independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Since 1977, we have resided in two historic buildings located in the Neighborhood of the Arts in Rochester, NY, including other notable institutions such as The George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film and the University of Rochester's Memorial Art Gallery. Over the past 40 years, VSW has produced hundreds of exhibitions, over 450 artists' books and resource titles, maintained the publication Afterimage, a valued, bi-monthly journal, housed collections with over a million images, and offered residencies to hundreds of artists. Our wide range of programs and facilities support media artists, students, other arts organizations, and the general population interested in the visual arts and its education. The interrelated program areas that implement and extend our mission are in Education, the Research Center, Afterimage, VSW Press, Artists-in-Residence, and Exhibitions. CONFERENCE HOTEL DETAILS The Radisson is SOLD OUT! We are looking for more rooms in the area, right now there are rooms at the Rochester Plaza Hotel at 70 State Street, Rochester, New York 14614 Phone Number: (585) 546-3450 Toll Free: (866) 826-2831

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