Kalee Appleton (moderator), Deedra Baker, Rachael Banks, and Allison Jarek
Saturday, October 04 - 11:00AM to 12:00PM
STU 221
The panel discussion, Identity, Memory, and Place: Texas Womanʼs University Graduate Panel
Discussion, will create dialogue regarding the use of photography as an avenue for the
exploration of deeply rooted psychological subject matters. Panelists Kalee Appleton, Deedra
Baker, Rachael Banks, and Allison Jarek create photographic artwork that explores the themes
of identity, memory, and place. As graduate students at Texas Womanʼs University, these artists
each bring a new perspective from their own breadth of cultural and psychological experiences.
The panelists will share their own work and a collection of inspirational materials via visual and
literary sources. Within the panel, the artists will discuss the nature of their work both
conceptually and by means of working methodologies, which vary from traditional analog
photography to digital techniques.
Dialogue and critique are important to the SPE mission.
Please join the conversation.