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Mounting a photograph is a misdemeanor in Arkansas

Michael Peven

Friday, October 03 - 6:00PM to 7:00PM
BAS State Farm Room (S102)

The title comes from one of Ted Orland's "Some Photographic Truths", a humorous take on all things photographic, back in the "silver age". Other "truths" include: "Owning more than one lens assures that you will always have the wrong lens on the camera for any given picture", "Shutterbugs result from cross breeding silverfish with flashbulbs", "Photographers fade faster than photographs", "Expose for the secrets, develop for the surprises!", and my very favorite: "Silver salts are sensitive to thought".

One does not get to be the honored educator without having excellent teachers/mentors and working with some outstanding students over the years. I've been fortunate enough to teach at the University of Arkansas for almost 40 years and have had some truly exceptional students during that time. It's been an interesting journey, to say the least, and not quite over yet. While my talk will focus primarily on my work in photography, artists books and installation, I will also feature work by some of my students despite the fact that we are all in Arkansas and can be arrested for mounting photographs!


Michael Peven
Michael Peven

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