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Lift & Transfer Demo Derby - LIMITED AVAILABILITY

Alex Emmons

Friday, October 03 - 9:00AM to 11:00PM
STU 224

It was not so long ago that photographers used Polaroid materials to render creative versions of color pictures. Everyone loved instant photography especially transferring and lifting images. Recently The Impossible Project emerged and is promoting Polaroid technology again, which is great. Simultaneously, it is fair to say there's been a transformation in the way that we consider our options for making and teaching Photography especially image manipulation. We have found that we are no longer dependent on just one way or brand of photographic materials, and we are tuned into that fact that there are many methods to create an altered picture.

The "Lift & Transfer Demo Derby" will survey current digital and mechanical image lift and transfer methods. Initially, this workshop will include a brief introduction and instructions for the demonstrations. Alex Emmons and her students will illustrate the various processes. Artists, teachers, and students alike will be provided with 8.5" x 11" art paper to investigate the different demos. Incorporating regional clip art, conference attendees will visit four stations. Participants will try digital transfers that mimic the historical Polaroid image manipulations; these presentations will spotlight some of the options for image output, transfer, and how our hands are still essential tools. Alternatively, mechanical low-fi demos will involve blender pens, packaging tape, cleaning and office supplies that will highlight different technological options for additional photo manipulations.

During the derby, there will be an artists slide show of creative work incorporating these types of processes. At the end, participants will hang and share their examples for a short crowd discussion and showing. This workshop style will focus on the how-tos and allow the audience to engage by watching, doing, and/or conversing. Each participant will come away with direct experience and information on suggested supplies, options for vendors, and a reading list for further study.

Please contact Shannon Randol at to secure a spot for this workshop.


Alex Emmons
Alex Emmons

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