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Urban Constructs: City Space + Stray Light

Clarissa Bonet

Saturday, October 14 - 11:00AM to 11:50AM

Our perception of place is formed through our personal experience of it over time, a two way process between the observer and the environment. And, in turn, we each form a unique understanding and image of any given place. For the past seven years I have been using the camera to make physical my understanding and image of the urban space. In this presentation, I will discuss two concurrent projects, City Space and Stray Light.

City Space rethinks the genre of street photography, imaging it anew. By analyzing the work of street photographers, I deciphered their photographic language and use it as a conceptual vehicle for my own work. With this body of work I present the viewer with a glimpse of how I perceive the urban space. It speaks to my experience of the physical space of the city—the looming buildings, rigid structures, and mysterious inhabitants that occupy the space alongside me—and in turn, how all these aspects of the physical environment affect my perception of place and elicit a psychological response.

Stray Light images the nocturnal urban landscape. We have all but lost the night for our progress. In its place we have formed a new cosmos, one of vanished surfaces, flecks of light. Carefully constructing each image from multiple photographs, I reform the urban landscape in my own vision—one that seeks to reconstruct the heavens in its absence above the cityscape. Light emanating from each window references a world unknown, evoking a sense of mystery and awe.


Clarissa Bonet
Clarissa Bonet

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