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Get the Show on the Road! Tips for Creating and Booking Traveling Exhibitions

Friday, October 07 - 9:00AM to 9:50AM
Caprice 1

Once your solo exhibition comes down, how do you keep the show on the road? What factors are most important? What practical constraints make it easier to earn a "yes?" What elements are most important in creating a touring exhibition? What does a successful exhibition proposal look like? How does a touring exhibition keep your book alive? How do you manage shipping costs and logistics for shows booking 3-4 years out? How much should you charge? What about a retainer? What does a written agreement look like? How do you identify and approach potential venues while keeping your i's dotted and t's crossed?

In this presentation, I am excited to share the nuts and bolts of how I was able to book (in a matter of months) over 12 PAID solo exhibitions from my photographic project, The Unchosen Ones. Traveling exhibitions support my creative practice, keep my books alive, and create PREDICABLE income, unlike gallery print sales or grants. I'm eager to share my enthusiasm and lessons learned with a goal of expanding your audience for your photographic projects. 2022


R.J.  Kern
R.J. Kern

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