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2025 Annual Conference


March 06-08, 2025

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Southwest Chapter ConferenceSpeakers

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Krista Elrick

Krista Elrick

Saturday, November 03, 2018 @ 1:30pm, Southwest Film Center - SUB

Do Not Bend: The Photographic Life of Bill Jay (Film Screening and Panel)

Krista Elrick is interested in the changes that have occurred in ecosystems over time as a result of human intrusion into the landscape.

She photographs the land in fragments and constructs collages, which, through fracturing our sense of time, reflect the damaged ecology and disrupted relationships between the animals, especially birds, and humans who once lived there. Her most recent work features fragments of images and journals of John James Audubon juxtaposed with her photographs. It will be the subject of a forthcoming book from George F. Thompson Publishing and an exhibition at the Turchin Center for the Visual Arts at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC, curated by Mary Anne Redding.

Other recent projects include Imagine a City that Remembers: The Albuquerque Rephotography Project, by Anthony Anella and Mark Childs, foreword by V. B. Price, photographs by Krista Elrick (University of New Mexico Press 2018); and Grasslands/Separating Species, with photographs by Krista Elrick, Dana Fritz, David Taylor, Jo Whaley, and Michael Berman, and essays by Mary Anne Redding, William deBuys, and Rebecca Solnit (Radius Books 2010) in conjunction with an exhibition at 516 ARTS in Albuquerque.

Elrick received an MFA from Arizona State University in 1990.

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