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Past SPE Annual Conferences

Midwest Chapter Conference Overview

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Conflict Resolution

When October 06-09, 2016
Where The Chase Park Plaza , St. Louis , Missouri
Keynote Speaker An-My Lê, Dr. Deborah Willis
Featured Speakers Yaelle Amir , Jess T. Dugan , Nicole Hudson , Nate Larson , Adrian O. Walker
Honored Educator Barbara Houghton

Mark your calendar! "Conflict Resolution" MWSPE kicks off on October 6th, and you're invited to take part in the festivities. Come one, come all, spread the word, and head to STL.

The theme of this conference is "Conflict Resolution" looking at the role of photography and art in documenting, analyzing and interpreting confrontation and struggle from an individual, regional, national and global perspective. The theme originated from the August 9th 2014 death of Michael Brown, Jr. in nearby Ferguson and the conversations and community engagement that has developed since. Our goal is to bring speakers with immense impact. We set out to create a one-of-a-kind experience devoted what is happening right before our eyes and cameras as witnesses. This weekend will be an event which is actively engaged, presenting new context to/from our students and membership.

Registration Extended to October 1

Please join us for Conflict Resolution, a conference of the Midwest Regional Society for Photographic Education, taking place October 6-8 in St. Louis, Missouri. Conference registration ends October 1st and please note there will be no registration on site. We are thrilled to host what is sure to be a phenomenal time together.

This year's conference will focus on the role of photography and art in documenting, analyzing, and interpreting confrontation and struggle from individual, regional, and global perspectives. Featuring the dynamic voices of Dr. Deborah Willis, An-My Lê, Jess Dugan, Nate Larson, Adrian Walker, Nicole Hudson and many others, the theme originated from the conversations and community engagement that have continued since the death of Michael Brown Jr. in nearby Ferguson on August 9th, 2014. By bringing together speakers of immense impact with our students and membership, we hope to create a one-of-a-kind experience devoted to what is being witnessed by both our eyes and our cameras.

Student Volunteer Requests

The conference planning committee for Conflict Resolution the MWSPE conference in St. Louis is seeking student volunteers for the conference. Each shift will be three hours per day and would allow the students to attend the conference for free with a comp code for registration. Tasks for volunteer students range from, but not limited to watching the doors during lectures, working registration, overseeing juried book showcase or helping with A/V. If you are interested in volunteering consult the conference schedule and email with "Student Volunteer Request" in the subject line; within the body of the email, please request times that you are available to work. Student Volunteer spaces are limited and are first come first serve basis. You will be notified by September 29th if your request is accepted and given a comped registration code that should be used by October 1st midnight.

Print Study Room Reservations

On Thursday before the conference gets started The Print Study Room at the Saint Louis Art Museum will host a pop-up exhibition featuring selected photographic works from museum's collection including works by: Keynote speaker An-My Le, Danny Lyons, Carrie Mae Weems, Dorothea Lange and many more. The artwork selected will correspond with the conference's theme Conflict Resolution. This show is organized by Gina Grafos, David Johnson, and Eric Lutz.

Since this is a very intimate viewing space with over 20 works of art and in accordance with museum security protocol viewing sessions are is limited to 15 people for 30 minutes. We will have viewing sessions from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, 2:30 to 3:00 pm, and 3:00 to 3:30 pm. To sign up, please email with "Print Study Room" in the subject and your preferred time slots, this is first come first serve; you will be notified of your reservation by Sunday, October 2nd.

Student Portfolio Group Critique -

Students will be able to sign up for Student Portfolio Critique Groups at the registration table on Thursday and Friday. Each table will be limited to 3 to 5 students per table. This will be first come first serve and will include waitlists.

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