Saturday, October 26 - 11:00AM to 11:40AM
Saint Kate Hotel: Simone Ball Room A
The following presentation will address research and methodology related to the series "Between Home and Here" and "Like a Bad Penny," while examining ongoing creative research that utilizes photography as a tool to document the aftermath of trauma and how it shapes one's identity. Rachael Banks will speak in conjunction with her primary subject Michael Banks on the collaborative nature between photographer and the photographed. This discussion will highlight family work and the communal nature of family.
With an emphasis on empathy and community, this conversation will draw parallels between personal experience in making intimate documentary work on familial relationships and perils related to place, trauma, addiction, as well as how these themes relate to larger universal topics in contemporary photography and society. Through discussion, the presenter will utilize this platform to give voice to the contributing presenter who has been the main focus of the artist's research.
Dialogue and critique are important to the SPE mission.
Please join the conversation.