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2025 Annual Conference


March 06-08, 2025

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James R Southard


Saturday, October 26 - 10:10AM to 10:50AM
Saint Kate Hotel: Simone Ball Room A

Lest We Forget

Over the past few years James R Southard has been thinking about the photographic work he has been doing utilizing someone else's images. A few years ago, after his father passed away, James inherited over 2,700 Ektachrome slides from his tour of duty in southeast asia. He poured over the images, learning so much about his father while having so many questions. He was seeing his father at the same time in his career as James was. James started to scan a few for posterity, but while he was cleaning and fixing the colors, he noticed details giving away locations or who or what they were doing. Soon, James was cutting out whole sections of the images and moving them around and creating entirely new compositions. What started as the archiving of his father's overs deployment turned into a reflective project where James was responding him through digital collage and stop motion video.


James R Southard
James R Southard

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