October 05-07, 2023
Where Black Hills State University, Spearfish , South Dakota
Our goal for this year's event will be to once again bring together artists in the visual and performing arts, arts educators, educators in all disciplines, and any interested community members for a two-day schedule of workshops and presentations. The conference will feature art practices for social engagement and community involvement taking place right now, and ways to continue them in the future. This conference is held in conjunction with the South Dakota Art Education Association (SDAEA), the South Dakota College Art Association (SDCAA), and the Society for Photographic Education - Northwest Chapter (NWSPE). Conference participants do not need to be members of either organization to attend.
Our goal of this conference will be to equip participants with socially-engaged arts activities so you can lead community-oriented arts projects within your local communities.
Register for the Conference here:
Dialogue and critique are important to the SPE mission.
Please join the conversation.