Ryan Anderson Scholar Presentation
Saturday, November 02 - 2:00PM to 2:15PM
de Saisset Museum Auditorium
This research examines how different cities along the California coast are responding to sea level rise and associated coastal erosion (e.g. through planning initiatives, policies and direct interventions such as building sea walls, etc). The California coast, especially in southern California, is heavily urbanized. This urbanization steadily increased throughout the 20th century, and continues in the 21st. Much of this urbanization took place before coastal hazards were well understood. This heavily developed and populated coast is vulnerable to sea level rise, yet urbanization continues. As with global climate change, the effects of sea level rise and coastal erosion in California will likely not be experienced equally across the state. This presentation uses photography, in combination with coastal data visualization tools, to critically examine the uneven effects of rising seas in California.
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