Lewis Watts (West) and Meggan Gould (SW)
Saturday, November 02 - 7:30PM to 9:00PM
de Saisset Museum Auditorium
Join us for presentations from and about our esteemed Honored Educators: Lewis Watts from the West and Meggan Gould from the Southwest chapter.
Lewis Watts: Rendering the Cultural Landscape and Mining the Archive
I will talk about the connection between my teaching and my practice as a photographer and archivist and how both disciplines have informed each other over the course of my career. I will show work from my many years as an artist, historian and social activist. I will highlight the ways that the exchange of energy, knowledge of process and development of a visual language as passed both ways between my students and myself in the classroom and out in the world.
Meggan Gould:
I will speak about the joy and sustained inspiration I find in teaching, and the ways in which the language I use in the classroom has become the backbone of my studio work. I will show work representing the long-term arc of my practice and its entanglements with teaching.
Dialogue and critique are important to the SPE mission.
Please join the conversation.