SOWA Arts District First Friday
Friday, November 06 - 6:00PM to 8:00PM
450 Harrison Ave., Boston, MA 02118
Boston’s 1st First Friday Event! 5p – 9p
Friday evening we will be heading to Gallery Kayafas in the South End who is featuring works by Mary Frank and QUAKING ASPEN, photographs by Gary Metz. Shuttle service for conference attendees.
On the First Friday of every month, the Galleries, Artists, Shops & Restaurants of the SoWa Arts District open their doors to the public for an evening of culture and inspiration.
Meet the artists in their element and view their latest works, visit the Galleries & Shops and afterwards dine at one of our world class Restaurants.
The SoWa Artists Guild has over 60 Artists at 450 Harrison Ave. who make their studios available to all and strive to make art amd artists accessible to everyone.
Come and enjoy the fun. The event is free and parking is available.
Check out our map [here] for Parking & our Directory of all of our Galleries, Shops & Restaurants [here].
SoWaBoston (links to Galleries, Shops & Restaurants)
SoWa Artist Guild (links to Artists & more)
Parking & GPS
450 Harrison Ave., South End, Boston
There are many great galleries to see art and restaurants nearby for dinner. Transportation via shuttle bus provided for conference attendees.
Dialogue and critique are important to the SPE mission.
Please join the conversation.