Alice Proujansky
Friday, March 22 - 3:30PM to 5:00PM
Majestic C
*The first 25 people to register for this workshop will receive a copy of Aperture Magazine during the presentation*
Looking Together: An Educator Workshop invites new and experienced photography educators to create and interpret meaningful images with the coaching of Aperture teaching artist Alice Proujansky. Participants will decode and encode images, learning how to interpret photographs using flexible, engaging inquiry techniques that make material accessible to students of all levels.
The in-person workshop will feature an exploration of ways to use Aperture publications in the classroom, and hands-on engagement with educational materials.
For this workshop, we'll be looking at Aperture Magazine #251; Being & Becoming: Asian InAmerica. This issue asks: what does it mean to be Asian American? The term was coined in 1968as a political, not ethnic, coalition spurred in part by student activism in California in response to the civil rights movement and protests against the Vietnam War. It now covers incredible diversity in geographic origins, class, language, culture, religions, and historical experience.
Guest edited by curator Stephanie Hueon Tung, this issue examines how photography helps us understand the historical and contemporary contours of an evolving Asian American identity and its political potential.
Dialogue and critique are important to the SPE mission.
Please join the conversation.