Martin Wannam, J. Molina, Lorena Molina, Robb Hernandez
Thursday, March 21 - 2:30PM to 4:00PM
Majestic A
Becoming Sticky will situate atmospheric theories in the context of diasporic Central American photographic practices to emphasize both the feminine cadence of ambience and its critical place in tropical life. The concept of "equatorial vision" means to alert audiences to the ways in which tropical weather - humidity, volcanic heat, rain, lush flora - affects the image-making practices behind Martin Wannam's La Eterna Injusticia, J Molina-Garcia's Border Terror, and Lorena Molina's Reconciliation Garden. What would it mean to make photographs that sweat? Can cameras erupt? And how is body and land observed outside the dominance of Western perspectival space?
Dialogue and critique are important to the SPE mission.
Please join the conversation.