Jamie Ho, Jessica Hays, Anna Rotty
Saturday, March 18 - 9:00AM to 9:45AM
Tower B
Jamie Ho- The Ornamental Flesh
I use GIFs, photography, sound, and installation to simulate and subvert my ancestral Chinese traditions and rituals. I reference historical Chinese objects as a method of reclaiming my history and building a world where I can safely exist.
Jessica Hays- The Sun Sets Midafternoon: Wildfires in the American West
Wildfires are raging across the western United States, burning up increasingly large swaths of land every year. While fire is a natural part of many ecosystems, the increasing presence of larger, faster, and hotter fires is a reminder of the rapidly changing environment.
Anna Rotty, Reorienting our Environments
How do we understand home when our environment is rapidly changing around us? At the beginning of the pandemic, I learned of the word solastalgia meant to describe the homesickness one feels while still at home. As things change, we seek solace in nostalgia.
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