Lindsay Godin, Christopher Kern, Tracy Longley-Cook, Julie Jones, Cintia Segovia Figueroa, Sarah Cusimano Miles
Friday, March 17 - 9:00AM to 10:45AM
Grand Ballroom I
Participation in this workshop is limited. Spots are available as an option during the conference registration process.
Since January 2021, the Photography Curriculum Focus Group has identified changes in the field of photography and needed modifications within photography curricula to best prepare our next generation of undergraduate students for future photography practice. In this workshop, 40 participants will be asked to identify their institution-specific trends and specific curricular reformations believed to best enhance student recruitment, retention, and professional development. Workshop facilitators will assign participants into breakout groups based on type of institution and photography program, to review their photography programs to identify common institution-specific strengths, weaknesses, opportunities for improvements, and foreseeable challenges.
Participation in this workshop is limited. Spots are available as an option during the conference registration process.
Dialogue and critique are important to the SPE mission.
Please join the conversation.