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2025 Annual Conference


March 06-08, 2025

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2019 SPE Annual Conference Schedule

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Presentations on Main Stage 5

Alice Proujansky (Imagemaker) | Jess T. Dugan (Imagemaker) | Shanna Merola (Imagemaker)

Saturday, March 09 - 2:45PM to 3:45PM
Hope Ballroom

Alice Proujansky, "Hard Times are Fighting Times"  (Imagemaker)
Alice Proujansky's project depicts the legacy of her parents' participation in radical leftist groups like Weatherman. Photographs of their propaganda archive, surveillance records, family photographs, and current lives describe their activism, and subsequent turn toward family life as intimately witnessed. It is an important examination of heritage—so critical now—as the working lives of this complicated and extraordinary generation come to a close. We live in a dangerous era, as generations have navigated perilous times before. What did they do? What did their actions mean for society—for us? What can we learn from them? What now?

Jess T. Dugan, "To Survive on This Shore: Photographs and Interviews with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Older Adults" (Imagemaker) 
Representations of older transgender people are nearly absent from our culture and those that do exist are often one-dimensional. For over five years, photographer Jess T. Dugan and social worker Vanessa Fabbre traveled throughout the United States creating: To Survive on This Shore: Photographs and Interviews with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Older Adults. The resulting portraits and interviews provide a nuanced view into the struggles and joys of growing older as a transgender person and offer a poignant reflection on what it means to live authentically despite seemingly insurmountable odds.

Shanna Merola, "Oil and Water: Photography in the Age of Disaster Economies" (Imagemaker)
On the surface, rubble hints at layers of oil and shale, cracked and bubbling from the earth below. Rising from another mound, rows of empty mobile homes bake beneath the summer sun. The bust of small towns left dry in the aftermath of supply and demand. In this place, only fragments of people remain, their mechanical gestures left tending to the chaos on auto. Reduced to survival, their struggle against an increasingly hostile environment goes unnoticed. Beyond the upheaval of production bending highways promise never ending expansion - and that low rumble you hear to the west is getting louder.


Alice Proujansky
Alice Proujansky
Jess T. Dugan
Jess T. Dugan
Shanna Merola
Shanna Merola

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