Matt Eich, Louie Palu, and Barbara Tannenbaum (Panel) | Paul Shambroom (Imagemaker) | Greta Pratt (Imagemaker)
Saturday, March 09 - 1:30PM to 2:30PM
Hope Ballroom
Matt Eich, Louie Palu, and Barbara Tannenbaum, "Fake News & Truth in Photography" (Panel)
This panel will explore the critical role photographers can and in some cases already play in fighting fake news and providing truth in America. The panel is interested in expanding the dialogue on how artists can challenge institutions and gatekeepers who traditionally control our view of the political landscape of America such as corporations, government and the media. The panel will discuss the importance of authorship and the multiple platforms the featured photographers publish and exhibit their work in including exhibitions and installations.
Paul Shambroom, "Past Time: Troubled Visions of the Good Old Days" (Imagemaker)
Artists, entertainers and entrepreneurs helped establish the "normalcy" of the white middle-class nuclear family in picturesque post-WWII America towns. I've photographed contemporary life in in places associated with Walt Disney, Ronald Reagan, Andy Griffith, Norman Rockwell, Frank Capra and others. These images are juxtaposed with illustrations from children's books of the 1950s and 60s, film stills and other exclusionary misrepresentations of a mythological past-perfect white America. When nostalgia is politicized does it lose its innocence in the service of racism and xenophobia? Past Time explores the political and cultural embrace of an idealized America that never existed for many.
Greta Pratt, "The History of the United States: Condensed and Abridged" (Imagemaker)
Greta Pratt's work centers on the appropriation of history and the production and consumption of American myth. Pratt photographed reenactments of history and sites of memory on the vernacular landscape for the book Using History (Steidl 2005) and has since photographed Abraham Lincoln presenters, high school girls dressed as Southern Belles and day laborers dressed as the Statue of Liberty. Currently, she is photographing the vast trove of mythology surrounding the Wild West examining how it pervades the present and defines American Identity.
Dialogue and critique are important to the SPE mission.
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