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2025 Annual Conference


March 06-08, 2025

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2019 SPE Annual Conference Schedule

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Presentations on Main Stage 3

Matthew Bunn (Invited APHE Speaker) | Evan Baden (T&L) | Isaac Wingfield and Corey Scales (T&L)

Friday, March 08 - 11:30AM to 12:30PM
Hope Ballroom

Matthew Bunn, "Focus Central" (Invited APHE Speaker)
Focus Central is a student-led photographic agency based in Nottingham College, UK. It offers students real-world experience of professional photography while offering the mentorship of the Course Leader. The students generate and arrange jobs, meet clients, invoice and deliver images of a professional standard. This has led to a dramatic increase in image quality, the ability to manage and meet competing deadlines, while raising confidence to those heading into the world of professional photography. Matthew Bunn will share not only the exciting and positive aspects of this on-the-job experience, but also—perhaps more importantly—those character-building moments, impossible to replicate in a classroom environment, where things go wrong or take unexpected turns.

Evan Baden, "Terra Matter: A Collaborative Project between the Photography and Natural History Collections at Oregon State University" (Teaching & Learning)

Over the course of the 2017-2018 academic year, students in the purpose-built Advanced Photographic Publication course at Oregon State University worked with the University's vast Natural History Collections to photograph, design, and fabricate a mock-up of a book intended for publication. This collaboration was a successful example of how the arts and sciences can come together as equal partners to create something that is truly valuable both sides. Baden will share the development and structure of the course, as well as the results of project. 

Isaac Wingfield and Corey Scales, "Humanizing the Numbers: Photography in Prison" (Teaching & Learning)
Humanize the Numbers is a twelve-week collaborative workshop that combines students from a socially engaged photography course at the University of Michigan with a group of inmates from the Michigan Department of Corrections. The resulting images seek to transform public perceptions about the prison industrial complex through the personal stories of the people most directly impacted by mass incarceration.


Corey Scales
Corey Scales
Evan Baden
Evan Baden
Isaac Wingfield
Isaac Wingfield
Matthew  Bunn
Matthew Bunn

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