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Adobe Demo Session, "Photoshop CC: Beyond the Obvious"

with Julieanne Kost

Saturday, March 03 - 9:00AM to 10:30AM
Grand Ballroom Salon K

With millions of images being uploaded daily, how will you create distinct images that attract attention in a crowded landscape? Let Adobe's Principal Digital Imaging Evangelist, Julieanne Kost, demonstrate how Photoshop can be a significant and compelling part of the equation. Instead of using Photoshop to just fix problems that can be solved in capture, Julieanne will demonstrate how to take your images to the next level by using the powerful features of Photoshop CC. Learn how to advance your work using adjustment layers, selections and masking, retouching, and other persuasive manipulation techniques in subtle and sophisticated ways.


Julieanne Kost
Julieanne Kost


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