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Past SPE Annual Conferences

2018 SPE Annual Conference Schedule

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Student Seminar, "Strategizing a Career in Photography"

with Mary Virginia Swanson and Susan kae Grant

Thursday, March 01 - 8:00AM to 11:00AM
Grand Ballroom Salon G

Back by popular demand, this year's student volunteer/scholarship seminar graciously and enthusiastically introduces participants to the SPE community while providing insight into careers in photography that emphasize education, networking, career choices, opportunities for artists, activism, and professional practices. This intensive workshop focuses on strategies for preparing yourself for life as an artist. Discussions will address structures for making work, creating networks and getting your work into the public arena, print sales, licensing existing work, and securing commissions to create new work for clients.

For volunteers and scholarship recipients only.


Mary Virginia Swanson
Mary Virginia Swanson
Susan kae Grant
Susan kae Grant

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