Garth Amundson, Pierre Gour, Rafael Soldi, and Lorenzo Triburgo (P)
Saturday, March 11 - 1:00PM to 2:45PM
Orange EF
When queer-identified artists Lorenzo Triburgo, Rafael Soldi, Garth Amundson, and Pierre Gour heard that "Family Values" was the theme for the 2017 SPE Conference in Orlando, (the birthplace of Anita Bryant's Save Our Children initiative to exterminate homosexuals), they were immediately seduced by the prospect of a discussion on the matter through the lens of their photographic practices and personal experiences. The artists opted to address "family values" by creating new artwors independently and in conversation with one another. The panelists will discuss materialist, historical, and personal critiques of the nuclear family in the service of queering "family values."
Dialogue and critique are important to the SPE mission.
Please join the conversation.